Colonialism and European Union Law
with Hanna Eklund
Security and the Formation and Application of International Law
A one day symposium in honour of Marie Jacobsson
Book launch: Law, Visual Culture, and the Show Trial
with Agata Fijalkowski
Tensions and Limitations of Contemporary International Law: The Wars in Ukraine and Gaza
with Alberto Coll
The New Interference in Sovereign Affairs and International Law
with Frédéric Mégret
Freedom of expression and its limits
with Frederic Brusi, Raphael Cohen-Almagor and Sally Longworth
Legal science and human rights in the Israeli Constitutional Crisis and its implications for women
with Ruth Halperin-Kaddari
Hammarskjöld, Bernadotte, and Bunche: Mediation and Peacekeeping at the United Nations
with Kal Raustiala
The war in Ukraine before international courts: An unprecedented mobilisation of the international community?
with Anne Lagerwall
International law and climate change in national courts: experiences from Sweden and other jurisdictions
with Jonas Ebbesson and Anna Rogalska Hedlund