Raphaël Lemkin i Stockholm, läraren vid juridiska institutionen i Stockholm som myntade ordet folkmord och initierade antagandet av FNs Folkmordskonvention
med Dr. Mark Klamberg
Third-Party Countermeasures in International Law
with Dr. Martin Dawidowicz
Historicising International (Humanitarian) Law? – Could we? Should we?
convened by Hugo Valentin Centre, Uppsala University and Stockholm Center for International Law and Justice
Men are the Guardians of Women – Advancing Women’s Rights in Islamic Law
with Dr. Mona Samadi
The South China Sea Arbitration
with Marie Jacobsson, Said Mahmoudi and Martin Ratcovich
Palestine on the road to independence
with Dr. Riad Malki
Should There be a Responsibility Not to Veto in the UN Security Council in Cases of Grave Atrocities Committed Against Populations?
with Katinka Svanberg
Hur de mänskliga rättigheterna används (men inte borde användas) för att rasifiera människor och grupper
seminarium med professor Elena Namli
Countermeasures against low intensity cyber attacks
med professor Nicholas Tsagourias